Home PageDebt Collection Poland

The most advanced
debt collection in the Poland

Are you looking for a collection agency in Poland?

Trade with Poland is going well. Poland’s economy has experienced uninterrupted growth since 1992. The number of unpaid invoices is also increasing. With our knowledge of the local market and with local collection Poland professionals, we reduce late payments among Polish debtors. With collection Poland you collect quickly and decisively what you are entitled to. Read more about how we collect your debt in Poland in this article.

Submit your claim before 4:00 p.m. and we'll start today!

Local specialists (specialistów)

Zaken doen met Poolse partners is niet altijd eenvoudig. Denk aan de taal en de lokale gebruiken. Dit begrijpen wij. Bij het Invorderingsbedrijf zijn specialisten werkzaam die het Poolse recht op hun duimpDoing business with Polish partners is not always easy. Think about the language and local customs. We understand this. Collection Company employs specialists who know Polish law like the back of their hand and, more importantly, know the route in Poland and have the connections. These specialists speak the Polish language fluently, so that they can collect your claim efficiently and purposefully. Debt collection in Poland takes care of everything.je kennen en belangrijker nog: de route kennen in Polen en de connecties hebben. Deze specialisten spreken de Poolse taal vloeiend, waardoor zij uw vordering efficiënt en doelgericht binnenhalen. Incasso Polen ontzorgt.

Legal forms (formy prawne przedsiębiorstw)

In Poland there are various legal forms. The collection strategy will be finely tuned to the legal form of your debtor. Some examples of legal forms within debt collection in Poland:

Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnościąof z o.o. This legal form is comparable to the private limited company
Spółka akcyjnaof A. This legal form is comparable to the public limited company

Debtors can also naturally contract in a sole proprietorship or partnership.

Limitation periods (przedawnienie)

Take timely action! Debt collection Poland offers shorter limitation periods than the Netherlands. The general limitation period is three years. Sector-specific limitation periods must also be taken into account, such as in the transport sector. Are you wondering what the limitation period is for your claim? Then do not hesitate to contact us.

If your claim is time-barred, you can still claim it. In fact, your debtor must invoke the statute of limitations. Nine out of ten debtors do not do so. A specialist in debt collection in Poland can advise you on this.

Extrajudicial phase (faza pozasądowa)

After we have entered your case into our system, we will start the extrajudicial process. This phase preferably begins with sending a formal notice of default. This is a letter giving your debtor a final deadline to make payment or repayment. This letter is in Polish and/or English. We arrange this for you. During this phase you will have access to your own Online Cockpit, for which you will receive your own login code. This system offers exclusive user rights. You can follow the progress of Poland’s collections closely. And do you have any questions? Then we will be happy to provide you with expert assistance.

Judicial phase (etap sądowy)

Nine times out of ten, your debtor will proceed with payment in the out-of-court phase. Unfortunately, not every debtor is the same. Debt collection Poland has different judicial routes. We will explain these.

  1. The injunction procedure (postępowanie nakazowe)
    This procedure is for receivables in which the debt has been acknowledged, for example, if your debtor says, ‘Next week I’ll pay.’ or ‘I want to make a payment arrangement (and you don’t).’
  2. The accelerated procedure (postępowanie upominawcze).

This procedure applies to claims not exceeding PLN 10 000. The name of the procedure says it all, it is an accelerated procedure.

Does your debtor dispute the claim? Is your claim higher than PLN 10 000? No worries, our debt collection specialists know how to deal with this. Collection Poland has numerous procedures. Together with the collection specialist you can determine the route in your case. This way you will not encounter any surprises.

Polish debtors are often late

In Poland there are tight deadlines within which the debtor (dłużnik) must respond. If your debtor is late or fails to submit an objection, the court will rule in absentia. Experience shows that many Polish debtors do not submit a defense. And that is beneficial for the success rate of debt collection in Poland.

Role of the bailiff

Nine out of ten court proceedings are won by us. If the judgment is obtained, it will be enforced by one of the local bailiffs (komornicy). The bailiff will ensure that your claim is collected. This is usually done by attachment. A bailiff can seize the following objects.

  • movable property,
  • income from employment,
  • bank accounts,
  • other claims,
  • other property rights,
  • real estate,
  • ships.

Due to fast and decisive action by our bailiff, your claim is quickly collected and the chances of success are also maximum for collection Poland.


If the documents show that your debtor has been declared bankrupt (bankructwo), we can file your claim with the competent Polish court. Tight deadlines apply. So don’t wait too long.

Bankruptcy as a means of pressure

In addition, it is also possible to use the bankruptcy of your debtor as a means of pressure. In this case, one of the local debt collection Poland specialists will file for the bankruptcy of your debtor. Experience shows that the debtor (dłużnik) will quickly proceed to payment, because it becomes ‘serious’. We can give your debtor a run for his money.

Some details regarding collection Poland

  • The limitation periods for debt collection in Poland are short, so pay attention!
  • Debt collection in Poland may only be done by lawyers (adwokat). Other legal aid providers may only collect indirectly. Collection Company is attuned to this and has
  • Polish lawyers in its international partnership.
    Court documents must be filed in Polish. English translations will not be accepted.

Debt collection in Poland? Free initial consultation

Have you become curious about the possibilities? Then ask for a free initial consultation with a specialist in Polish law. With our local debt collection Poland network, no question needs to go unanswered.

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    What do you need for your debt collection Poland file?

    Starting a collection Poland file is easy. It is not a problem if you do not have all the documents. Send us what you do have. Our collection specialists will be happy to help you with this.

    • A copy of the agreements, for example, an agreement, an e-mail message, fax message or simply a WhatsApp message or a text message
    • Copy of your invoices
    • Copy of your reminders
    • A copy of your general terms and conditions
    • Any proof of delivery

    What else can we help you with?

    • European payment order (EEB)
    • Having judgments enforced (seizure in Poland)
    • Having various procedures conducted under Polish law
    • Advising on contracts and conditions
    • Taking care of the order for the seizure of real estate
    • Credit information on debtors established in Poland
    • Other legal proceedings

    Start today with Debt collection Poland

    Do you have something to claim in Poland? Or a dispute with a Polish debtor? Then debt collection Poland can help you too. Feel free to contact us by phone (070-7620330) or send us an e-mail. Joost Konings LLM, a debt collection specialist, can tell you more about the possibilities of debt collection in Poland and the (difficult) collectability of claims against debtors based in Poland.

    Submit your claim before 4:00 p.m. and we'll start today!

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    Very positivie - they were very communicative, constructive and helpful. I am very happy with the service they provided.

    Sometimes cheap turns out to be expensive. I also found that out after ordering a TV. I did not get the money back myself. Handing over the collection went like a rocket! I was surprised that it came in through no cure no pay. Danny in particular had a good mentality. He just handled them well. I'll definitely come back next time.

    Free legal advice from your personal specialist

    Joost Konings LLM

    International debt collection specialist
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