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Debt Collection Slovakia:
your invoices still paid

Do you conduct business in Slovakia? What if your clients don’t pay an invoice? How can you collect your outstanding claim? What are your rights? How can you take legal action to get what you’re entitled to?

Unpaid bills are always frustrating, but even more challenging when your debtor is located abroad. Fortunately, Collection Company specializes as a debt collection agency in international debt collection. No matter where your debtor is located in the world, we can use our effective debt collection strategy to recover your money for you. In Slovakia, we work with a wide network of local experts, such as lawyers, attorneys, and bailiffs.

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Specialized in debt collection in Slovakia

Different languages, unfamiliar regulations, and especially differing legal systems can make it hard to collect outstanding invoices abroad. Where can you turn to in order to get what you’re entitled to? What are your rights and obligations?

Our debt collection company takes care of those concerns for you. We specialize in collecting outstanding debts abroad and have an extensive network of Slovak debt collection specialists. Like no other, they know how the debt collection process works in Slovakia. Together with these lawyers, legal experts, and bailiffs, we collect your debt in a quick and efficient manner.

During the debt collection process in Slovakia, you will have one dedicated English-speaking point of contact. This international debt collection expert coordinates the process and communicates with the local specialists we engage. You can monitor the progress of the procedure 24/7 through our Online Cockpit.

Expert in international debt collection

Submit your claim

Do you have any unpaid invoices or other outstanding claims in Slovakia? Fill in your details below and one of our debt collection specialists will contact you to discuss the matter.

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    How does debt collection work in Slovakia?

    For debt collection in Slovakia, you have the option to collect the amount owed through an extrajudicial or a legal procedure. Extrajudicial debt collection, as the name suggests, does not involve going to court. We attempt to collect the debt by contacting your debtor and sending reminders. Many debtors pay the outstanding debt after receiving a letter or call from a collection agency. Therefore, this is generally the fastest way to collect your money. 

    But what if your debtor doesn’t pay after an amicable process? Then, there is often no other option but to initiate legal proceedings. We can also assist you with that. In doing so, we work together with the best lawyers and legal experts in Slovakia. Below, we explain how both extrajudicial and judicial debt collection work in Slovakia.

    Extrajudicial debt collection in Slovakia

    During an out-of-court or extrajudicial debt collection process, we contact your debtor and inform them that the payment deadline has passed and they are therefore in default. We kindly yet urgently request the outstanding amount to be paid as soon as possible.

    Subsequently, we gradually increase the pressure. We continue to pursue your debtor until the bill is paid, using not only reminders but also phone calls and text messages. Eventually, we make it clear that legal action will be taken if the amount is not paid within the specified period, and that there will be (for them) associated costs, which can add up significantly.

    Fortunately, most debtors do not let it get that far and still pay during the extrajudicial collection process.

    Out-of-court debt collection charges

    In Slovakia the creditor can charge debt collection costs to the debtor. This is a fixed rate of 40 euros per debt collection case.

    Judicial debt collection Slovakia

    If your debtor does not pay after the amicable process, we can, in consultation with you as the creditor, switch to a judicial procedure to enforce payment of the debt through the court.

    This legal process begins with an accelerated (online) civil procedure, also known as the Notification Procedure (upomínacie konanie). In this procedure, we electronically submit your claim and request the court to issue a payment order (platobného rozkazu). Subsequently, your debtor has 15 days to object to this. If your debtor does not respond within this period, the order for payment becomes final and enforceable.

    If your debtor does object to the payment order, a regular civil procedure will follow, and the district court (Okresný súd) will schedule a hearing where both parties can present and support their arguments with evidence. The judge will determine in the judgment whether the payment order becomes final or is lifted.

    Court fees in Slovakia

    Court fees are charged for a judicial procedure. These are the costs paid to the court in Slovakia to conduct the lawsuit.

    • The fee for the expedited civil procedure amounts to 3 percent of the total claim.

    If it proceeds to a standard civil procedure, the costs amount to 6 percent of the total claim.

    The role of bailiffs

    Once the payment order is final, it has an enforceable title. This means that the court order can be executed. In Slovakia, there are no bailiffs, but it is possible to request the court to enforce the payment order through an exekútor.

    For this purpose, we need to submit an online application to the District Court of Banská Bystrica. This court handles the enforcement of payment orders throughout Slovakia.

    The exekútor can then seize the debtor’s income or other assets to pay you as the creditor.

    A payment order is valid for 10 years from the moment it becomes enforceable.

    European procedures

    It is not always necessary to resort to the local legal system in Slovakia. The country is an EU member and within the European Union there are various procedures for recovering cross-border claims.

    European Small Claims Procedure

    There is a special procedure for small claims, the European Small Claims Procedure (ESCP). If your claim is 5000 euros or less, we can file a case in the court in your country.

    Your debtor will be notified and given the opportunity to object. The entire procedure is conducted digitally. For example, the hearing is held via a videocall.

    At the end of the procedure, the judge makes a ruling. This judgment is enforceable throughout the EU (except in Denmark).

    European Payment Order (EPO)

    In addition, if your debtor does not dispute the claim, it is possible to apply for a European Payment Order (EPO). This is a European process to collect uncontested, cross-border claims.

    To apply for a European Payment Order, we can submit your claim to the court in your own country. We can do this by just filling out a few standard forms. Based on this information, the judge issues a payment order.

    Once the payment order is issued, your debtor has 30 days to raise any objections. If they fail to do so, the payment order becomes final and we can engage a bailiff in Slovakia to enforce the order. If the claim is contested it is not possible to make use of the European Payment Order.

    Interim measures in Slovakia

    In Slovakia it is possible to impose an interim attachment on the assets of your debtor at the start of the legal process. This means that assets are taken into custody while the case is pending in court. This prevents your debtor from transferring money or property during the judicial procedure, potentially leaving you with nothing to recover.

    For a precautionary attachment, we first need to ask the court for permission. As a general rule, we must demonstrate that your claim has a good chance of success and prove the necessity of the precautionary attachment.

    Bankruptcy application

    One of the most powerful ways to put pressure on your debtor is a bankruptcy petition. Does your debtor really refuse to pay? Then we can ask the court to declare their bankruptcy.

    This has disastrous consequences for your defaulter. After all, they risk losing their business and all their possessions. No wonder most defaulters choose to pay quickly once a bankruptcy petition is filed!

    As soon as we have received your money, we can cancel the bankruptcy petition.

    To have your Slovak debtor declared bankrupt, we need to engage an agent based in Slovakia. This agent can then file a bankruptcy petition on your behalf.

    When the court declares your debtor bankrupt, the computer selects a random trustee from a list of individuals. This trustee will pay off creditors from the bankrupt estate. Assets of the bankrupt individual or business will be sold in the process.

    Filing for bankruptcy

    In practice, we often see that delinquent payers claim they cannot afford to pay the bill. We can’t squeeze blood from a stone, but it often turns out that your debtor does have money when we apply enough pressure. We can do this, for example, by applying for the bankruptcy of your debtor.

    It is possible to apply for bankruptcy of someone with a debt in Estonia if:

    • the debtor is 30 days overdue in payment;
    • you’ve send them a written reminder;
    • and they still haven’t paid within 10 days after the reminder.

    If it is not possible to enforce the judgment within three months after a court ruling, it is still possible to apply for the bankruptcy of your debtor.

    When your debtor is declared bankrupt, a trustee is appointed by the court. They will assess the assets of your debtor and attempt to repay all creditors from these assets.

    In most cases, it won’t come to that. Most debtors seem to find a way to pay their debt when a bankruptcy application is made. If that is the case, we can withdraw the bankruptcy application.

    More information?

    Would you like to learn more about debt collection and bankruptcy applications in Slovakia? Submit your details and one of our international debt collection specialists will contact you.

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      Legal areas of debt collection in Slovakia

      We recover debts in various legal fields. Often, it involves business customers who fail to pay, but sometimes it also includes rental disputes, purchase conflicts, or damage claims in Slovakia. We can assist you with all of these matters.

      We can provide assistance with claims in the following legal areas:

      • Construction law
      • Rental and leasing
      • Buying and selling
      • Labor law
      • Agency agreement
      • Transport
      • Damages and wrongful acts

      We also work for intermediaries such as law firms and accounting firms.

      What we do more

        • Advice on drafting contracts and terms
        • Credit information on Slovak companies
        • Disputes with trustees, for example regarding retention of title and right of lien
        • Mediation in reaching private settlements

      File your claim in Slovakia

      Submit your claim directly through our debt collection registration form. Prefer to discuss your claim with a specialist first? Leave your details or call us at 070 – 762 0330.

      Free advice on debt collection in Slovakia?

      Submit your personal information and plan your free consult.

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        Very happy with the help I received. My landlord refused to refund my security deposit for no reason. The collection Company took over all communication, so that I was no longer stressed, and it cost me nothing (no cure no pay). My landlord transferred the money on the last day, so that he did not have to pay any extra collection costs. He didn't take me seriously, they did 🙂 I have been well briefed and informed in advance and in between, and recommend this agency.

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